What people say
L. is a freshman this year and she is breezing through Honor’s English. I have no doubt that all of that time spent reading and discussing great literature with you has helped her along immensely!
Thank you so much for another wonderful class. Besides having enjoyed the books and the assignments, the girls are very encouraged to learn that they have improved in their writing skills. I can’t thank you enough for making writing enjoyable and challenging yet attainable for my kids.
Thank you so much for guiding me through this year’s writing assignments. I have learned much from you and am very grateful! I have had lots of fun reading the different books and learning how to make my writing projects better…You have stretched my creative thinking, and shown me how much fun writing really is.
You did an awesome job with K. Her English teacher nominated her for Student of the Month in September and she ended up being chosen Student of the Year at (her high school). Thanks for all you’ve done.
THANK YOU so much for your patience, care, and love of writing and the way you show it through your teaching…It’s important to have such an open and positive instructor such as yourself when moving toward a subject you are challenged with.
Thank you so much for teaching me this year! I’ve loved this class and everything you’ve taught me about writing essays.
(We) went to Back to School Night last night and I thought of you when we were in A.’s English class. (Her teacher) was talking about how entering freshmen have a lot of experience writing creatively, but not so much academically…I was just sitting there thinking how thankful I am that (she) had a full year with you to begin…and while she was learning that (academic) style of writing she had your helpful and compassionate feedback to gently nurture her. Thank you! Thank you!
Thanks for having some great short story classes. I am going to start writing more because of you! Thanks again!
I just wanted to touch base with you and let you know how beneficial the experience was for K. last year. She’s received kudos from her teachers for her writing abilities and when her LA teacher assigned the class a short story she tells me she had paragraphs written in the time it took the other kids to write two sentences. She’s even impressed her classmates. She’s got great imagination, but you and your class and the National Novel Writing Month experience gave her the tools to put that imagination to use! She not only is writing her class story assignment but has another story she is working on in her own time… and that says something! Thanks again for the work you put in with these kids and good luck this year!
C. told me yesterday that he “loves” your class and that you are a “fantastic” writing instructor. You really should think about doing more of these types of classes and offering them far and wide.
That happy medium between a structured class and a homeschooling feel is pretty much impossible to find. The best thing we’ve found are Angela Harris’s literature and writing classes.